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Full Citation List for: 

Squires, J.M. (2021, May). Filling in the Gaps: Building an Inclusive Library Instruction Guide to Cultivate Equity-Embedded Mindsets in (Future) Instruction Librarians Using Critical Pedagogy. [Master's Paper]. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.  


About University Libraries. (n.d.). UNC University Libraries.


About the Undergraduate Library. (n.d.). UNC University Libraries.


American Library Association. (2015, February 9). Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education. Retrieved March 12, 2021, from


Anwar, M. A., Al-Qallaf, C. L., Al-Kandari, N. M., & Al-Ansari, H. A. (2012). AQAK: A library anxiety scale for undergraduate students. Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, 44(1), 36–46.


Arch, X., & Gilman, I. (2019). First principles: Designing services for first-generation students. College & Research Libraries, 80(7), 996–1012.


Bawden, D., & Robinson, L. (2008). The dark side of information: Overload, anxiety and other paradoxes and pathologies. Journal of Information Science, 35(2), 180–191.


Belkin, N. J. (1980). Anomalous states of knowledge as a basis for information retrieval. Canadian Journal of Information and Science, 5, 133. 143.


Bernardo, A. (2019). Teaching Anxious Students: Reimagining Library Pedagogy for the Age of Anxiety. In Recasting the Narrative (pp. 801–809). American Library Association.


Blundell, S., & Lambert, F. (2014). Information anxiety from the undergraduate student perspective: A pilot study of second-semester freshmen. Journal of Education for Library and Information Science, 55(4), 261. Retrieved from


Borrelli, S., Su, C., Selden, S., & Munip, L. (2019). Investigating first-generation students’ perceptions of library personnel: A case study from the Penn State University Libraries. Performance Measurement and Metrics, 20(1), 27–36.


Bostick, S. L. (1992). The development and validation of the Library Anxiety Scale (9310624). [Doctoral dissertation, Wayne State University]. University Microfilms International.


Brecher, D., & Klipfel, K. M. (2014). Education training for instruction librarians: A shared perspective. Comminfolit, 8(1), 43.


Cooke, N. A., & Hensley, M. K. (2013). The critical and continuing role of LIS curriculum in the teacher training of future librarians. Information Research.

Courses. (n.d.). UNC School of Information and Library Science. Retrieved April 23, 2021 from


Davis Library - Research & Instructional Services. (n.d.). UNC University Libraries. 


Dempsey, P. R., & Jagman, H. (2016). “I felt like such a freshman”: First-Year students crossing the library threshold. Portal: Libraries and the Academy, 16(1), 89–107.


Dervin, B. (1999). On studying information seeking methodologically: The implications of connecting metatheory to method. Information Processing and Management, 35, 727-750.


English 105. (n.d.). UNC College of Arts and Sciences – English and Comparative Literature.


Erfanmanesh, M., Abrizah, A., & Karim, N. H. A. (2017). Development and validation of the Information Seeking Anxiety scale. Malaysian Journal of Library & Information Science; Vol 17 No 1 (2012): Malaysian Journal of Library & Information Science, 17(1), 21–39.


First Library Visit. (n.d.). library instruction team.


First Year Writing Program Basics. (n.d.). library instruction team.


Gonzalez, C., & Andreu-Sanz, M. (2020). Carolina Firsts Advocates Training. Carolina F1RSTS at the

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.


Goodsett, M., & Koziura, A. (2016). Are library science programs preparing new librarians? creating a sustainable and vibrant librarian community. Journal of library administration, 56(6), 697–721.


IDEA Council. (n.d.). UNC University Libraries.


Jiao, Q. G., & Onwuegbuzie, A. J. (1997). Antecedents of Library Anxiety. The Library Quarterly: Information, Community, Policy, 67(4), 372–389.


Jiao, Q. G., Onwuegbuzie, A. J., & Lichtenstein, A. A. (1996). Library anxiety: Characteristics of ‘at-risk’ college students. Library & Information Science Research, 18(2), 151–163.


Kahu, E. R. (2013). Framing student engagement in higher education. Studies in Higher Education, 38(5), 758–773.


Kuhlthau, C. C. (1988). Developing a model of the library search process: Cognitive and affective aspects. Reference & User Services Quarterly, 28(2), 232-242.


Kuhlthau, C. C. (1991). Inside the search process: Information seeking from the user’s perspective. Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 42(5), 361-371.


Kuhlthau, C. C. (1994). Students and the information search process: Zones of intervention for librarians. Advances in Librarianship, 18, 57–72.


Kwon, N. (2008). A Mixed-Methods Investigation of the Relationship between Critical Thinking and Library Anxiety among Undergraduate Students in their Information Search Process. College & Research Libraries, 69(2), 117-131.


Lesson Plans. (n.d.). library instruction team.

Library Journal, & Credo Reference. (2017). First year experience survey: Information literacy in higher education. Library Journal.


McMillan, D. W. (1976). Sense of community: An attempt at definition. Unpublished manuscript, George Peabody College for Teachers, Nashville, TN.


McMillan, D. W., & Chavis, D. M. (1986). Sense of community: A definition and theory. Journal of Community Psychology, 14(1), 6–23.<6::AID-JCOP2290140103>3.0.CO;2-I


Means, D. R., & Pyne, K. B. (2017). Finding my way: Perceptions of institutional support and belonging in low-income, first-generation, first-year college students. Journal of College Student Development, 58(6), 907–924.


Mellon, C. A. (1986). Library Anxiety: A grounded theory and its development. College & Research Libraries, 47(2), 160–165.


Meulemans, Y. N., & Brown, J. (2001). Educating instruction librarians. Research Strategies, 18(4), 253–264.


Muszkiewicz, R. (2017). Get to know your librarian: How a simple orientation program helped alleviate library anxiety. Public Services Quarterly, 13(4), 223–240.


Nahl, D. (2005). Affective Load. In K. E. Fisher, S. Erdelez, & L. McKechnie (eds.), Theories of information behavior (pp. 39–43). Medford, N.J: Published for the American Society for Information Science and Technology by Information Today.


National Center for Educational Statistics. (2019). IPEDS (Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System) Data Feedback Report 2019. Office of Institutional Research and Assessment at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.


Naveed, M. A. (2017). Information Seeking Anxiety: Background, Research, and Implications. International Information & Library Review, 49(4), 266–273.


Office of Undergraduate Retention. (2014). First-Generation College Student (FGCS) Success: A Report from the Office of Undergraduate Retention and the FGCS Committee (FGCS Committee at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill). The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.


Onwuegbuzie, A. J., Jiao, Q. G., & Bostick, S. L. (2004). Library Anxiety: Theory, research, and applications (Research Methods in Library and Information Studies). Lanham, Md: Scarecrow Press.


Parks, C. (2019). Testing a warmth-based instruction intervention for reducing library anxiety in first-year undergraduate students. Evidence Based Library & Information Practice, 14(2), 70–84.


Purkey, W. W., & Novak, J. M. (2015, September). An Introduction to Invitational Theory. Retrieved April 7, 2021, from


Readings. (n.d.). library instruction team.


Saunders, L., & Wong, M. A. (2020). Critical pedagogy: Challenging bias and creating inclusive classrooms. In Instruction in libraries and information centers. Windsor & Downs Press.


Second Library Visit. (n.d.). library instruction team.


Shawgo, K., & Figueroa, M. (2021, April 1). IDEA Action Committee call for proposals. Retrieved April 15, 2021, from


Shelmerdine, A. J. (2018). Library Anxiety: Stories, theories and possible solutions. Journal of the Australian Library and Information Association, 67(4), 343–352.


Sobel, K. (2009). Promoting library reference services to first-year undergraduate students: What works? Reference & User Services Quarterly, 48(4), 362–371.


Stoffle, C., Pagowsky, N., & Mery, Y. (2020). Teaching future librarian educators using the ACRL Framework: A new graduate-level iSchool teaching certificate. In H. Julien, M. Gross, & D. Latham (eds.), The Information Literacy Framework: Case Studies Of Successful Implementation. (p. 234–244). Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield.


Strategic Framework. (n.d.). UNC University Libraries.


Strayhorn, T. L. (2018). College students’ sense of belonging: A key to educational success for all students (2nd ed.). Routledge.


Terenzini, P. T., Springer, L., Yaeger, P. M., Pascarella, E. T., & Nora, A. (1996). First-generation college students: Characteristics, experiences, and cognitive development. Research in higher education, 37(1), 1–22.


Tucker, K. R. (2013). Teaching Me to Teach: A New Librarian’s Experience with a Structured Training Program for Information Literacy Instruction. Virginia Libraries, 59(1).


uncsils. (2021, April 1). SILS at #2 in U.S. News & World Report rankings. [Video]. YouTube.


The University of North Carolina System. (2020). UNC System Announces Third Straight Year of Record Enrollment. The University of North Carolina System.


Van Kampen, D. J. (2004). Development and validation of the multidimensional library anxiety scale. College & Research Libraries, 65(1), 28–34.


Van Scoyoc, A. M. (2003). Reducing library anxiety in first-year students: The impact of computer-assisted instruction and bibliographic instruction. Reference & User Services Quarterly, 42(4), 329–341.


Westbrock, T., & Fabian, S. (2010). Proficiencies for instruction librarians: is there still a disconnect between professional education and professional responsibilities? College & Research Libraries, 71(6), 569–590.


Westbrooks, E. (2020, June 1). The University Libraries’ Role in Reckoning with Systemic Racism and Oppression. Retrieved April 16, 2021, from


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Whitley, S. E., Benson, G., & Wesaw, A. (2018). First-generation Student Success: A Landscape Analysis of Programs and Services at Four-year Institutions. Washington, DC: Center for First-generation Student Success, NASPA–Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education, and Entangled Solutions.


Wilson Library – Teaching with Special Collections. (n.d.). UNC University Libraries.


Yorks, L., & Kasl, E. (2002). Toward a theory and practice for whole-person learning: Reconceptualizing experience and the role of affect. Adult Education Quarterly, 52(3), 176–192.

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